RG Packs For Camp…..

Okay….so I am not going to camp…..but I kind of feel like I am!!!!

I am like a little kid packing my trunk….I mean….I am not leaving for two more days….but whose counting!

Each thing that I do…. makes me feel closer to actually boarding that air plane….my manicure and pedicure…..my brazilian wax (OUCH!)….picking out what I will wear…..it really does not matter….ordering the food that I will cook for Thanksgiving….since I will not be home until late the night before Turkey Day…..and my family is counting on me to put out a spread…..

I am filled with the joy of anticipation…..and life at home is calm….work is calm….my relationships with all the people in my life feel solid and good….it’s time to take time just for me…and I am feeling greedy about it….all of it!

It feels like self care in the highest level for my soul. To be able to be with friends who understand me on a completely different level….who I share a different kind of intimacy with….I am meeting for the first time several people who I have always been curious about….and to be able to listen to teachings….from people like Betty Dodson….is just plain exciting to me. 

I am looking forward to the informal parts too….hanging out in the pool…..creating new friendships….and simply sharing time with old friends.

I am so excited about my session with “Max” on Friday…..what feels so cool about this….is that even though it is a first session….I know her….and she knows me….so I know that I will be relaxed….and I will be able to go deeply with her….

And….I am just plain frisky!!!! I want to play and dance….and explore….I can’t wait to see DK….and I love that I am going to have to wait for that….that I am going to have all of this richness…and THEN he is coming on Monday! So….I am sorry if I am boring right now….

I am filled with joy….excitement….anticipation…

RG is going to camp! And she is not going to be sending any post cards home!!!

One Response to “RG Packs For Camp…..”

  1. Lisa Says:

    Excited, happy and stable isn’t boring! Your cheerleaders are dancing! Yeah RG!


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