Archive for September, 2007

The Black Swan…The Citadel…And a Story of “Him” Part One

Sunday, September 30th, 2007

I wanted something to special to wear to The Citadel. I had spent a beautiful night with Him….filled with his love making….and I needed to leave for a while before the evening….He had things to do.
He gave me a ride in His sexy little sports car with the top down…and dropped me in front of Mr […]

Back in Oz….

Friday, September 28th, 2007

How can I explain how my body feels in this town? How the San Francisco air hits my lungs…and fills my body with joy. My body relaxes in a way that I cannot find words for….I am home when I am here.
I loved prancing into The Queen Anne Hotel….where I always stay….seeing the people that […]

“On your knees…ass up”

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

So…I am still in LA….about eight hours away from reaching the Holy Land….San Francisco for the High Holidays…and we decide to get in one more work out before we go….
It’s five am and I am standing at the door of Gold’s Gym in Hollywood with the body obsessed….my friend arranged for a trainer for me. […]

Happiness 101

Wednesday, September 26th, 2007

It’s good to know the beautiful times. The times when life just feels like it rocks. I am in one of those times…it is all so good right now….and I feel the need to stop for a minute or perhaps two….and just sit in it.
Yesterday I went to Mass. Yes…I said Mass….and no I am […]

West Coast Goddess

Tuesday, September 25th, 2007

So…it’s 4:30 am in LA.  My friends and I committed to getting up at 4:30am so that we would get in a work out before the day off work started. I am feeling shaky and slightly off balance. Can’t wait for the glider. But I keep thinking of how I want to feel on Friday […]

Workshops and Conferences That I am Attending…And Some That I Wish That I Could Go To!

Sunday, September 23rd, 2007

Dear Readers - There are some really cool workshops and conferences going on around the country this year….I just joined the Association of Sexual Energy Professionals.  And I am very excited about going to their second conference in November in Mesa AZ! Here is the conference information
2007 Conference Program
Phoenix, Arizona
Thursday 6:30 […]


Sunday, September 23rd, 2007

As I walked to meet Him, I was feeling a little bashful. I was not sure why. Perhaps it is  the spaces between the time that we are together that make me feel awkward when I anticipate seeing Him again. So much intimacy is shared with Him….and so much distance in between.
I have not been to His […]

I Want to Play!!!!!

Saturday, September 22nd, 2007

So….I am really done processing for a while! Aren’t you relieved? I am. And how do I know this? I can feel the shift in my energy. I am finding myself thinking of the silver vibrating egg that I just bought at Babeland.  I am sorry, but it is NOT listed on their website! The […]

And This Too….

Friday, September 21st, 2007

So yesterday was kind of a big day….DK told me that we were never going to get married and live happily ever after….you know the story….Leather Dominant throws only slightly resistant Submissive  RG….over his shoulder…..with her slightly pink bottom peeking out under her skirt… she is carried away to San Francisco…shackled in leather….to be the 24/7 […]

When Nothing Quite Fits…..

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

So….I am struck by this little plaster caste of my oldest son’s hand print when he was about two or three years old. If you are a parent…you probably received one of these on either a Mother’s Day or a Father’s Day gift from your kids preschool….if not you have probably seen this.  
There is very little about […]