Archive for the 'sensual massage' Category

On My Knees….

Friday, November 9th, 2007

We didn’t have a lot of time….Hank and I spent a good part of our time talking….I needed to talk….and he was actively listening…offering insights into my experiences…emotions.
I was in a calm space…even though so much of what Hank and I were talking about makes me very uncomfortable.  I love how he speaks so many truths […]

My Kinky Gay Daddy

Friday, November 2nd, 2007

Do you ever “watch” yourself as you do things? Sometimes I do. And sometimes I even write about myself and my experiences while I am having them….in my head…like some weird outer body narrator. I try to actually stop that when I catch myself doing this…I wonder if it is a protective mechanism from being […]

Let’s Dance…..

Saturday, October 27th, 2007

Yes….I disappeared….it has been well…..shall we say….quite the week?
A lot of healing is going on……and I am opening to it….not closing to it.
Life is full of choices.
This morning I ran out the door to be at The NY Breast Center at 8:00 am for my mammogram and sonogram. I was terrified.  And it took forever. […]