Archive for the 'breasts' Category


Friday, November 23rd, 2007

I have been fascinated with ropes since I took the Power, Surrender and Intimacy workshop through The Body Electric School with Alex Jade and Al Waddel almost two years ago now….but I have had little opportunity to explore it.  And the memory of breast bondage has been vivid in my memory……so when I heard that […]

Moving Through….

Monday, November 5th, 2007

So…I am still here.
And some clarification about yesterday’s post…some of you took me literally….the bad “Tops” I was talking about were not play partners…or potential play partners…I was using “Tops” as a metaphor for other people in my life who I actually have to work with!
My professional life has been exhausting….and I am raw from […]

My Kinky Gay Daddy

Friday, November 2nd, 2007

Do you ever “watch” yourself as you do things? Sometimes I do. And sometimes I even write about myself and my experiences while I am having them….in my head…like some weird outer body narrator. I try to actually stop that when I catch myself doing this…I wonder if it is a protective mechanism from being […]

The Spanking….

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

He comes up behind me….and his arms circle my body. I just let my weight go….and I lean into Him….it feels so good for him to carry me. Hold me. Support me. I trust him not to drop me….my breath leaves my body in one long delicious exhale. And we stand just like that….He turns […]

Things That Make Me Smile and Turn Me On!!!!!

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

So…Oprah has her list of favorite things….why can’t I?
Right now…here are some assorted things that make smile…and turn me on……
This slide show of Folsom always puts a smile on my face……brings back memories and makes me very, very happy.
Yesterday…I received an email from Ray Stubbs letting me know about a clip from Betty Dodson that was […]

Is There Still Marriage in The Marriage?

Sunday, October 28th, 2007

It was five am….and Devon was back in my bed. It was the morning of our first night together….I missed him….and I wanted him to come back into our bed. And he was miserable. It was hard to sleep without him…and it was so weird to have him in that pathetic sleeping bag on the […]

Let’s Dance…..

Saturday, October 27th, 2007

Yes….I disappeared….it has been well…..shall we say….quite the week?
A lot of healing is going on……and I am opening to it….not closing to it.
Life is full of choices.
This morning I ran out the door to be at The NY Breast Center at 8:00 am for my mammogram and sonogram. I was terrified.  And it took forever. […]

My Breasts

Sunday, October 21st, 2007

I really love my breasts. I like how they look….and mostly I like how they feel. They are a big piece of my sexuality. I love breast and nipple play in all of it’s intensities…soft…gentle…nibbles…hard…biting…flogging…spanky…I love it all.
It is hard for me to think of my sexuality without them.
My sister had a double mastectomy almost […]