Archive for the 'corsets' Category

My Out Law….My Him….

Saturday, November 24th, 2007

“Let’s go back to the room….perhaps I will beat you a little bit….before dinner” He smiles and chuckles at me….
We walk back to our room….and we both hit the showers….there was something intimate and so intentional…showering and dressing for each other….in such close proximity…instead of simply showing up….ready for Him… made me bashful.
I showered first…and […]

Things That Make Me Smile and Turn Me On!!!!!

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

So…Oprah has her list of favorite things….why can’t I?
Right now…here are some assorted things that make smile…and turn me on……
This slide show of Folsom always puts a smile on my face……brings back memories and makes me very, very happy.
Yesterday…I received an email from Ray Stubbs letting me know about a clip from Betty Dodson that was […]

Let’s Dance…..

Saturday, October 27th, 2007

Yes….I disappeared….it has been well…..shall we say….quite the week?
A lot of healing is going on……and I am opening to it….not closing to it.
Life is full of choices.
This morning I ran out the door to be at The NY Breast Center at 8:00 am for my mammogram and sonogram. I was terrified.  And it took forever. […]